Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Q Mobile A10 Custom ROM DR BHOKALI

Please note that MICROMAX A110 Canvas 2 and Q mobile Noir A10 Are Same Phones.

Here is what you'll have in there...
-> Pre-Rooted
-> GPS Lock fix (Thanks to VijetaVerma!) 
-> Low Sound Output issue fix [ but still it'll be a MMX phone not a CHINA one ....
-> Low WIFI signal issue fix [ requesting you guys to report wheather it gives any significant improvement (any way it does increase the wifi perf.) ]
-> Baseband version V5.P2 (incase if you have a old 'P' version 
-> Google Now
-> Improved Battery Life
-> Dodexed and zipaligned
-> Sony Xperia S SWIPE Keyboard
-> Samsung S3 TouchWiz Launcher
-> Beat Audio + Awsome Beats
-> Bravia Engine for better image display
-> Loopy Smoothness
-> build.prop Tweaks
-> Boltware/junk apps removed
-> init.d script support
-> Nexus one bootanimation ( i kind of like that 'X' )

Download Link:


I am not responsible for any bad happens to your phone. Flashing ROM is solely your decision.
Please Backup Everything before Flashing a ROM.

Detailed Flashing Instructions
1) Root your phone - Refer THIS to root your phone [Thanks Jgsolo27!] (Skip if you're rooted)
2) Flash CWMR - refer
 THIS to flash CWMR [Thanks Subtrix!] ( Skip if you've already flashed it)
3) Download Dr Bhokali ROM From Above given Download Link
4) Copy it to the root (the very first level of sd card ) of your external sd card (though it can be done using internal sd card also) 
5) Turn off your phone.
6) Reboot in CWM recovery mode [ For this press "vol up + vol down + Power" button simultaneously ]
7) Choose "install zip from sdcard" option
8) Select "choose zip from sdcard"
9) Select Dr Bhokali Rom file [ use vol up/vol down keys to move up/down AND power key to select ]
10) Select "install [MMX_A110][ROM]....."
11) Wipe DALVIK cache (For this go to advanced->wipe dalvik cache)
12) Reboot system 

Congrats you've flashed the ROM !


  1. After flashing this rom neither of my 2 Sims can detect network. And please don't post this as a rom for qmobile a10. This from is actually for micromax a110. Don't mislead people.

  2. dude i have tested this ROM on my Qmobile A10 .. and it is working perfect. For your information Micromax A110 and Qmobile Noir A10 are the same phones. It is basically A Chinese phone, Micromax is importing it for India and Qmobile is importing it for Pakistan under their brand name.. Try Reflashing it

  3. hyeee yes when u flash this rooom my both sims network gone just because for this room is devolp for micromax and the radio framw is not as for pakistan so just we need radio framw if any one manage it plzzz mail me thx

    1. As I said before .. These roms are tested by me on my A10 .. They work fine .. Please follow the steps correctly .. First root than update the cwm recovery than flash rom ... Thanks

    2. dude could you please upload stock rom of noir a10

  4. After installing this rom touch not workinh

    1. reflash it .. did u install Clockworkmod Recovery first ?

  5. hyee bro em not new in it i also do flashing and this kinda stuf wid my htc evo 3d and desir s yes i cant make my signals working if u do any t special plz share wid us make a video of ur rooom and share wid us as we belive tht u done it and we also try yeas i make it rooot and install the cwm and then flash the room also sum other rooms in xda forum for micro max 2 on them make my touch stop working and one work fine but no signals my question is can we get radio coding from orignal backup any idea as i am not a devolper.. thx in advance...

  6. i flashed this rom and my touch wasnt working.. den i restored qmobile stock rom but now it showing GOOGLE NEXUS BOOT IMAGE at the startup den Qmobile Noir A10 boot animation....any ideas how to get back the Qmobile A10 startup image ???

  7. Yes i know but i m still working on it .. will update u on it soon

  8. i installed Micromax A110 JMP™ Xtream Edition ICS 4.0.4 on my Noir A10 n rom was pretty fast n looking good too...but the only problem i faced n bcoz of that i had to restore my stock rom is... only one sim (Sim1) is working n signal of it were dropping... cnt even make calls or getting it...n if i got any... voice quality wasnt good bcoz of dropping signals... so if anyone cud fix this... it b a great custom rom for our Noir A10....

    here the link for tat rom

    1. could you please upload the stock rom
      onto or

  9. hyeeeee bro same problem for me rooom is faster and animations are kool but signal problem coz of radio no idea where 2 find radio firmwork i use 2 ask sum one xda he told me we cant get radio from stock rooom backup no idea

  10. dont knw brother.... i did tried to change the IMEI but still nothing happened...but if ever get anything... will post here....

  11. hey can any one plz help i installd d drbhokali rom all went right bt whn i restart my touch doesnt work n its hung up over der plz kindly help wht to do :(

    1. hey komal, did u take the backup of your rom through Clockworkmod recovery? if yes please .. go to CWM recovery mode .. wipe data/factory reset,, wipe delvik cache and wipe cache partition .. than go to backup and restore option, select restore and restore your selected backup file ..

  12. i have messed up with my phone and have no backup, can someone provide me with a backup of stock qmobile noir a10 please?

    1. if uploading whole backup is not possible than please just provide me with the system folder

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Jelly Bean Update available for Qmobile A10 Noir, installed & tested it. very smooth and fast.
    To Download & detailed instructions Go here.



    XDA Developers QMobile_A10_JellyBean_ROM_Update

  15. plz dnt use this rom for qmobile A10 it destory u r fone

  16. wht problm u goot after usin dis rom

  17. wifi not working ,auto rotate stoped,gps not working , and many mor problems only bettery timing will incress

  18. hi i installed this rom my both sims signal is gone how to get signal


    visit my blog for noir a10 stock rom

  20. touch not working by any mean i try evry thing but nothing happen

  21. touch not working plz help me


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